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Reverse Top Surgery: Reclaiming Your Identity with Midwest Breast

In the journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, individuals may find themselves at various crossroads. For those who have previously undergone gender reassignment surgery but now seek to reclaim their original identity, reverse top surgery can provide peace of mind. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of transgender surgery reversal, the procedure itself, and the support available through Midwest Breast & Aesthetic Surgery.

Understanding Reverse Top Surgery

Reverse top surgery, also known as detransitioning surgery, is a transformative process aimed at restoring physical appearance to align with one’s original gender identity. This procedure involves the reversal of chest-related modifications made during gender reassignment surgery. Reverse top surgery may be an option for those who have undergone male-to-female (MTF) top surgery and female-to-male (FTM) top surgery. Understanding the intricacies of this surgery is crucial for individuals considering detransitioning.

Many who are exploring gender reassignment reversal may wonder if top surgery is reversible, as feeling content with one’s appearance is essential for those who choose to transition or detransition. Reverse top surgery allows individuals to reclaim their authentic selves, offering a sense of congruence between their physical appearance and internal gender identity.

Detransitioning Surgery: What to Expect

Before Reverse Top Surgery

The choice to pursue detransitioning surgery is a big decision, so individuals will need to undergo thorough pre-operative preparations and consultations beforehand. This involves discussions with the surgical team to understand goals, expectations, and the specific steps involved in the process. This collaborative approach ensures a personalized and tailored experience.

Post-operative Care and Recovery Timeline

Post-surgery, a detailed care plan is essential for a smooth recovery. From managing discomfort to resuming daily activities, understanding the recovery journey is instrumental in preparing individuals for life after detransitioning surgery.

The recovery timeline after reverse top surgery can vary from person to person, and it’s essential to note that individual experiences may differ. However, here is a general overview of what individuals undergoing reverse top surgery can expect during the recovery process:

Immediate Postoperative Period (First Few Days to Weeks):

  • In some cases, patients may stay in the hospital for a day or two immediately after the surgery, allowing medical professionals to monitor their initial recovery.
  • Discomfort and pain are common during the initial days. Pain medication prescribed by the surgeon will help manage postoperative pain.
  • Patients are advised to limit physical activity and movement during the first few days to weeks.
  • Patients should carefully monitor their surgical sites for any signs of infection, excessive swelling, or unusual changes and report any concerns to their surgical team.

First Two Weeks:

  • Patients typically have a follow-up appointment with the surgical team within the first week or two to assess initial healing and address any concerns.
  • Proper wound care is crucial during this period. Patients may need to change dressings and keep the surgical sites clean as per the surgeon’s instructions.
  • While some light activities may be permitted, heavy lifting and strenuous exercises are usually restricted during the initial weeks.

Weeks 2-6:

  • Swelling and bruising gradually subside during this period, improving the overall appearance of the chest.
  • Depending on the individual’s progress, they may gradually resume light activities and daily routines as their surgeon recommends.
  • Patients are often advised on scar care, which may include the application of ointments or silicone sheets to promote optimal scar healing.

Weeks 6-12:

  • With the surgeon’s approval, patients can begin to reintegrate more strenuous activities into their routine during this period.
  • As the physical healing progresses, individuals may also experience emotional and psychological adjustments. Support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or therapists can be beneficial during this time.

Beyond 12 Weeks:

  • While most physical healing occurs within the first few months, the complete resolution of swelling and the maturation of scars may take several months to a year.
  • Patients continue to have follow-up visits with their surgical team to monitor long-term healing and address residual concerns.
  • By this stage, patients should be able to resume all normal activities, including exercise and physical activities, in consultation with their surgeon.

Support and Resources: Choosing Midwest Breast for Your Surgery

With 30 years of combined expertise in gender affirmation surgery, Dr. Ergun Kocak, Dr. Pankaj Tiwari, and Dr. Santosh Kale are among Ohio’s most experienced and trusted reverse top surgeons. Our team performs hundreds of successful gender reassignment procedures each year, and we take pride in providing personalized care and achieving results that empower our patients on their transition journey, wherever it takes them.

Choosing Midwest Breast & Aesthetic Surgery means trusting a team who will be there every step of the way to guide you along your journey. We offer extensive patient resources to help prepare for surgery and life after surgery, including educational videos, patient stories, our podcast, and more.

Scheduling a Consultation

If you’re ready to begin your detransitioning surgery journey, contact our Ohio clinics to start the process. We’ll discuss your goals at your initial consultation and help you determine if reverse top surgery is right for you.

*The information available on this page was created to educate our patients. It is not an alternative for a formal consultation with a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Individual results vary per patient. For more information, we strongly recommend scheduling a consultation with our doctors.